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Author : Pilar Ordoñez

Direction : Pilar Ordonez

Actors : Pilar Ordonez

Duration : 1 hour and 15  minutes

Language : Spanish


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Barcelona and on tour


From her book Miss Tupper Sex, Pilar Ordoñez creates a hilarious sex education monologue where outreach and humor go hand in hand.


It is based on the tupper sex phenomenon - meetings in the living room of a house with the sale of erotic toys - to speak with total naturalness from sexual appetite to fisting.

Pilar Ordoñez shows some of these toys and distributes among the public: condoms, lubricants, lollipops... and many more surprises, in a large piñata for adults.

90 minutes that turn into a full color party, where it is recommended to enter ready to laugh and with a drink in hand. Well, as Pilar says: this is from ¡Pelotazo!

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