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Author: Tony Strubell

Directed by: Toni Strubell

Actor: Carme Sansa

Duration : 1 hour

Language: Catalan


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Barcelona and on tour



Als catalans els amagat seva història.  the 19th century, entered the second century of Bourbon rule. Some have described it as a "black force" of the Spanish. But it is a century of response from the Catalan people to the tyranny and the exploitation of the home per l'home. And among so much darkness, figures such as Isabel Villa, the first Catalan trade unionist, emerge.

She is going to be able to establish herself at a time when she said that Cap Dona could stand out socially.  i workshops of l'època. Thing that li will win the nickname of "Cinc Hores." the màxim d'hores labors that will get you to apply to children's work.

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