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Author: Tony Puig
Directed by: Ton Alberti
Actors: Roger Borull, Rocio Raval and Benjamí Conesa
Duration : 1 hour
Language: Catalan
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Barcelona and on tour
Up to Club Capitol, a unique opportunity per viure en familia this experience exciting on the little ones enter literally dins de l'obra i can interact with the actors i, both sort, fins and tot interpret an original petit paper d'aquest conte.
Accompany them to a country where the fairy Alegria has disappeared and the girl Tomassa embark on a fantastic journey in which they will meet these magicians who will help them look for the fairy. A bruixot, in Camil, will try to prevent both his avorriment. I'll explain more details, but we won't be spoilers! Yes, we can tell you that On it's the fada Happiness? is a work that trench stereotypes i buy both one renewed aesthetics, which modernizes the classic vision dels contes amb a current llenguatge, of carrer, and some personages that will surprise petits i grans.
The creation of a magical theatrical environment (comedy, music, mystery, magic and surprise) infects the public so that they can see the life story of a girl who, from the outset, loses her happiness. Because, just from that instant we are able to start with the trip to happiness.