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Author : Mª Eugènia Casanova
I see off: Francesc Pages
Direction : Maria Eugenia Casanova
Actors : Angelina Suau, Pilar Segura, Virginia Espejo, Xantal, Mª Carmen Garcia, Rafael Dominguez and Soraya.
Duration : 70 minutes
language : Catalan
7 d'LOVE
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Barcelona and on tour
Wedding agency
A group of ladies are looking for a partner in a "speed dating" molt eixelebrat.... a venedora of cocks, an ex-junkie, a nun just sorted out of the convent, a donut of political life, a lady of the neteja, a prostitute of low labor, a vendor of esoteric books..totes they both have a single objective, sort out companyades this night…help them find love… you can follow your seva parella.
Obra amb un caire comic, caricaturesc, d´improvització. Explains the trobada of 7 gifts in a marriage agency looking for the ideal couple.
All of them will respond to different questions and the public will be the one who will triage which of the gifts they have liked the most. Comèdia on l´actriu tea molts registres. Improvise with the public…. The actor of the 1,000 cares. A group of women look for a partner in a speed dating molt boig.
I am speaking of an actress with a lot of experience on stage and with a great infinity of scenic resources. Her great merit is the work done in life, with the gag immediately combined with the work of the work that is pugui say that she is an actriu de raça. A tots els llocs on hem act.