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Madrid and tour


Guille convinces his friend Ernesto to go on a double date with a girl he has met, who lives with her cousin in a small apartment in the city. The first, with very high self-esteem, is a womanizer willing to do anything and assume any situation to get the favors of the desired woman. The second, inexperienced in relationships and somewhat depressed by the lack of success he has with women, is an educated man, somewhat classic, passionate about reading, knowledge and good manners, convinced that the best way to make a woman fall in love is to be "a gentleman" following the example of the gallants that he reads in his books.

Conflicting ideas about how to get a girl to fall in love with neither of them will agree, especially due to the peculiarity of a small unexpected detail, which will completely change the plans they had for that big night.

Text:  Ruben Gomez

Direction:  Sandra Bernat and Victor Paez

Actors:  Ben Nieto, Javier Dut, Marina Campos, Laura Martínez and Adrián Manuel Parejo

Duration:  90 minutes

Idiom:  Castilian  

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