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Monologist:  Borja Nicholas

Duration:  65 minutes

Idiom:  Castilian


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Barcelona and on tour



Borja Nicolau is THE VISIONARY. The young man who felt that 2020 was the time to leave his stable job at a multinational and bet everything on his passion: comedy. What he didn't count on was the explosion of a global pandemic!! As if that were not enough, he also decided to become independent at the same time. What a visionary!

"Everything happens for a reason!" Borgia thought. "Yes! And this happens for ignoring me!” his father thought.

But as they told us about pequeñ@s, “take what you do”, and after 6 months of rollercoaster, Borja presents this show with two very clear objectives: one, to make you laugh and enjoy yourself in these difficult times. And two, being able to pay the rent!

THE VISIONARY is a life turned into comedy. A show in which Borja combines a monologue, interaction with the audience, imitations and a "visionary" live interview that will make each performance special and unique.

And all from a happy, natural and optimistic perspective. Because there is only one shit that has no solution in this life: not putting onions in the potato omelette.

After the shared success of "La Hora De La Verdad" and "Furgonologo, El Teatro Sobre Ruedas", comes his first solo show: "EL VISIONARIO". oh! Borja's latest vision has been that this show is not going to work. So have no doubt that it will be an absolute success

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