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Author: Dan Israely
Directed by : Oscar Contreras
Actors: Roger Pera and Sam Sanchez
Duration : 90 minutes
Language: Catalan
Barcelona and on tour
ORGASMES THE COMEDY ORGASMES is a comedy that deals with the differences between men and women and coexistence in pairs. It is remunta des d'Adam i Eva fins a l'actualitat. A good way of seeing that he faces that he made a war of the sexes, these always end up being the millionest complement l'un per l'altre. ORGASMES is a funny comedy that will make you think.
In short, an authentic self-help manual to deal with the viure reptes in parella, which are not few. Orgasmes More than 250,000 viewers have seen. Will you lose? Success in petit theater Gran Via in Madrid and Teatre Club Capitol Rambles Barcelona.